How AI Technology Is Helping In Times Of Global Epidemic?

The outburst of the nasty coronavirus has introduced a wave of unrest in almost all the countries of the world. In tough times where every since one of us is trying to fight this deadly infection, it is necessary that we know about other technologies working in the direction to pull people out of the epidemic.

Since we know that the human race can use all the help that it gets, the world is not shying away to accept unique solutions. That is the reason why authorities from all over the world are trying to use technology to find better solutions to cope with this problem.

Everyone is welcoming Artificial Intelligence technology with open arms. If you want to know, how exactly it is been done, then sit back and keep reading further.

What The Buzz Is All About?

The announcement of the World Health Organization came in on 9th Jan, but one AI-based startup from Canada had already set the alarm. The company sent the word out of caution to its customers on 31st December.

About The Company- BlueDot!

The company is a fitness tracking portal that makes the analyses of billions of factors. The data is present online and the platform crunches the data to provide the right information to the people about public fitness threats. This is a great step, as such an approach is direct towards the betterment of the world.

This AI platform takes into account the technology of machine learning and natural language. Then it filters the information through the news, daily updates of international media. It also makes the most of the airline record and the reports of an outbreak in the animals.

The platform has a team of excellent epidemiologists who tests the results drawn by it. And if after proper study the facts are proved right, the company sends out multiple indicators to the customers and requests them to stay alert.

They did not just anticipate the virus but, they also the places where it would unfold. The company predicted the places where the outbreak would take place, like in Wuhan, Bangkok, Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei. It is important for everyone to know that BlueDot predicted it right with the help of music airline data.

The organization claimed that they use facts analytics in order to track the spread. They then anticipate the spread of the world’s most deadly, nasty a risky infection. Last year in August, they received funding spherical which delivered the total investment. This investment went up to $10 million, which is huge. The platform is so advanced and has also predicted the areas of the spread of the Zika virus.

The Future Of Healthcare Is AI!

There is no doubt in the fact that machine learning and artificial intelligence in the mobile application is the future of healthcare. These promising technologies would definitely disrupt the companies and enterprises. According to the report, AI-based structures are reported to be a whopping $6 billion enterprise, in a short period of time.

A report predicted that the healthcare industry is one of those industries that would have more than 50 different instances that might have the touch of AI technology.

Keeping the future in mind, $1bn USD has already been raised for a start-up.

Take a look at the three different factors on which AI would have an impact on healthcare;

  • Doctors
  • Patients
  • Administration

Different AI bot would help the patients at every level of their recovery. Bring the previous history of illness to the doctors, it would help them to continue the treatment.

The future of this world would be complemented by technologies like Artificial Intelligence. It would be interesting to see how the processing takes place. If you want to know more, then feel free to reach out. But until then stay tuned for more updates.

Lilly Williams

Lilly Williams is a digital marketing professional and a computer science graduate. She has proven skills in lead generation and digital marketing, with experience in social media marketing, Pay per click, and Paid promotions. As a marketer, she has grown up as well round journalist with impeccable campaign management and leadership skills. Her areas of interest are marketing, revenue generation, brand promotion, ORM, and trending tech.


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