How much do you think you know about millennials? Some of you may just get the basics: One of the country’s younger generations, millennials are currently members of the population who are from 17 to 36 years old. But when it comes to size, many people underestimate how many of them there are. In fact, millennials account for about one-quarter of everyone in the United States.
What that means is that millennials are going to, more and more, be the focus of what we do and think and talk about, and that includes marketing. And how you market to millennials will be completely different than how you’ve been able to market to other generations.
For example, millennials are completely at ease with technology but also, strangely, cautious. They’re loyal but consume content across multiple channels. What else should you know? This graphic explains it.
NOTE: The infographic is created by Salesforce team and Forward to us – Kaylee White, Ghergich & Co.