Appstory- Yuwarajan Karpaiya CEO

Interview With Yuwarajan Karpaiya CEO of Caesium labs

Give us a brief introduction about your company? 

Caesiumlab has created a Blockchain Technology that helps tracks users’ active time in the blockchain and rewards them accordingly with its native token Caesium  . TIME blockchain works on the basis of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and is ideal for verifying, performing, and storing data and record transactions. TIME integrated with CAESIUM token helps the network users create new digital assets from the vast ecosystem provided, powered by the TIME Blockchain and our ecosystem covers Gaming, Decentralized Auction Platform dApps  DeFi , IoT, and Blockchain 


Respondent: Yuwarajan K

Designation: CEO

Email Id:

Company: Caesiumlab


LinkedIn CEO: 


What are the services you offer to your clients?

We offer developers our TIME Blockchain to integrate into our Blockchain and use our unique consensus and reward their users. Over a period of time, not only does the user get to use the productivity of the ecosystem but also profit from the growth of the token, Caesium.

In this intensely competitive era, what technologies, services, and project models can give you an edge over your competitors? 

We are the only blockchain thus far which is providing the consensus of Proof Of Time, and Proof of Capacity and allow users to earn the token from its supplies. 

How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life? 

As an entrepreneur, the journey to building a business, in the beginning, will involve time to nature it , it’s just like planting a seed and nurturing it until it becomes a tree. So there should be some time balance between work and family.

Who do you consider your idol or biggest motivator? 

It will be Elon Musk, He Inspires His Team. One of the key tenets of transformational leadership is having a vision – and getting others to not only believe in it but inspired enough to help make it happen. “You have to have a very compelling goal for the company

Share Best 3 application which your company have created or used for business  

We have so far still on the beta test creating our blockchain test net and its first mobile game for the user to play and earn connection via our Time Blockchain 

After service is a necessary part of development. How do you provide customer support to your client? 

All its applications will have its core support team to provide clients with support. 

What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

My Hobbies are reading and gardening.  Much of my non-work time is spent with my Shepherd Dog !

Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?

Yes , we have raised funds via our ITO  and it’s still ongoing . These funds are used for largely development and marketing purposes. 

Give your opinions on how far this app revolution can make a difference in the technology world?

The model of earning rewards using applications has changed. We measure the active time spent for any users using our blockchain application and we reward them accordingly. 

What latest technologies and tools are you planning to implement for mobile app development?

Our First Mobile app will be focused on Play and Earn Mobile based Games. The longer you play this games, the higher the chance of you getting your rewards and you can also use NFT ( Non Fungible Token ) to create your assets in these games and monetize them 

What’s your approach to creating interactive and addictive UX/UI of mobile apps and websites?

The Response time, UX experience with interactive playing avatars and backgrounds . 

What are the challenges you see in the outsourcing industry?

Outsourcing requires a lot of Audits and communication. IF it is outsourced to the right partners with understanding good project management deliverables, then it’s good but most of the time communication will be the biggest hurdle. 

Mention the ways you use to introduce new updates to your team.

We use basecamps and emails  

What’s your step to enter into the wearable tech & IOT revolution?

IOT will be one of the biggest spaces in the future. It communicates with devices and the internet and requires a strong encrypted network to work. This trust-based system is required for IOT to work flawlessly and blockchain will be the answer to the missing bridge.  

What are various technologies you used to make this app a reality?

Our unique blockchain consensus, PoT ( Proof of Time ) and PoC, Proof of Capacity  

Anything, you would like to say to our readers, upcoming entrepreneurs or Startup Companies?

Keep your ideas coming and innovate from that. Sometimes problems require simple solutions!  

Tanish Patel

Tanish is the founder and CEO of AppStory, specializes in smart Internet marketing. He is a specialist in online marketing strategy and brand building. When he’s not considering the next best online marketing strategy with his team. we are happy to share your App story on Our AppStoryorg. Submit


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