
Why react native is a healthy investment for mobile app development?

At present, in the entire era of mobile app development, the versatile hybrid applications are essentially the unmitigated attraction for the developers as well as their clientele.

Basically, the people who actually are looking for much faster deployment and seamlessly higher performance simultaneously and now actually succeeding in the latest technology which is the React Native.

It is essentially a hybrid app framework which was duly introduced by Facebook, which basically allows the developers to easily develop apps at a much swifter pace with the assistance of JavaScript.

Also, this particular technology easily allows you to reuse the actual codes across various platforms in order to deliver swifter and better apps with reduced costs and time.

Hence, the question emerges that why react native is quite a healthy investment for mobile app development. So, let’s examine certain features that solidify this claim.

  1. Shorter Duration of Development
  2. An Enabling Ecosystem
  3. Flexibility Across Multiple Platforms
  4. Improvised Native App Development
  5. Developers’ Choice
  6. Compatibility with Third-Party
  7. Impressive Solution for Issue of User Interface
  8. Instantaneous Live Updates

Shorter Duration of Development

Essentially the React Native app development technology rapidly speeds up the entire process of development of reliable yet robust apps.

As it is considered as a particular open-source project, it includes different components that are quite easily available and similarly have an expert team in order to overcome any particular issue and also support React.

While working with this technology, there is a gradual decrease in overall development time by a significant margin.

Along with this, the app time can be radically and drastically reduced by working on a state-of-the-art management tool called as Redux.

An Enabling Ecosystem

Generally, React Native for mobile app development codes are basically simple JavaScript gaining quite a lot of the improvements in the language, and its corresponding ecosystem. Owing to its actual analytic nature, simply certain libraries are just perfect to utilize.

However, React Native app developer are essentially having a comfortable as well as easy time while the development of apps on the React Native platform. It is particularly helpful in healthcare app development.

Flexibility Across Multiple Platforms

In order to obtain better knowledge, most React Native APO’s are cross-platform oriented which means at least one of their component supports with either Android or iOS.

However, in rare cases, the developers have to pay definite attention while choosing platform considering the design, majorly for iOS or Android.

Amidst these particular scenarios, this technology offers a module as well as a platform supporting file extensions.

Various platforms can easily detect the particular Operating System on which the particular applications are actually running while saving the knowledge for any given platform-oriented

Also, being the platform-specific file extension, essentially it allows the developer to define the given files for particularly specified functions easily.

Hence, React can easily pick up the corresponding right file depending upon the given Operating System on which the app is actually successfully running.

Improvised Native App Development

Usually, Native application development is associated with less productive and slower deployment time along with a lack of efficiency.

However, React Native app development is all about efficiency and speed combining with hybrid space as well as native results.

Also, React JS User Interface Library for the website applications comes under the React Native’s Hood. Hence, this technology simply makes the applications of React JS’s performance along with their abstraction much better than ever.

Furthermore, it is quite easy to understand the programming language, which has laid the foundation for hybrid mobile app development.

Developers’ Choice

Obtaining complete knowledge of this technology is quite easy as a person who is essentially aware of JavaScript can easily get well-versed with it.

React Native simply allows the frontend developers to become quite proficient mobile app developer. However, a developer doesn’t have to be specifically trained in any of the languages such as Swift for iOS or Java for Android.

A little knowledge of the Native UI elements along with few API related platforms as well as design patterns, this is all that a developer needs to know along with a rough sketch of JavaScript.

Compatibility with Third-Party

Essentially, it means developers don’t need to rely on the web view for particular specific functions. For instance, in case the developer has to inculcate the Google Maps functionality on the mobile app, the React Native technology will essentially allow the developer to link the plugin with a particular module easily.

Hence, making it quite essential to connect the given map with a particular function of the device such as rotate, zoom, etc. in order to use lesser memory as well as load much more effectively and swifter.

Impressive Solution for Issue of User Interface

Basically, the major focus of mobile app development in react native is to create an impressive mobile user interface. React Native is much more inclined towards the JavaScript library instead of the framework.

Hence, the outcome UI has a much higher responding time as well as flexibility owing to the asynchronous JavaScript interactions with the given natural environment which essentially allows the application to have much shorter loading time compared to any typical hybrid app.

This is quite useful in case of any mobile app changing healthcare industry as such an app needs to provide vital information with shorter loading time.

Instantaneous Live Updates

Often times, it takes an app to get approved at the app stores. When once you have actually waited for the app’s approval, certainly it gets much more complicated to expect each time you perform some update in the app.

Hence, React Native solves this problem. The development of a mobile app in this technology allows the developer to release different updates even without actually going to the store every now and then.


React Native certainly has provided with faster deployment along with higher performance. It allows better UI development, instant live updates, third-party compatibility as well as improved native app development and much more.

Hence, all these factors certainly highlight the fact that React Native is certainly a healthy investment in the case of mobile application development.

Tarun Nagar

Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking Web and Mobile App Development Company
. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for technology and trends, passionate as he is he is in every aspect dedicated to making IT simple, accessible and approachable for business enterprises.


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