Why are mannequins mostly female?

Have you ever noticed that mannequins in most cases represent women or appear almost sexless? At least I hardly see male mannequins, as can be bought in the link, for example, at most in shops that are explicitly aimed at the masters of creation. But why is that? Why are mannequins female in most cases?

My opinion: fashion for women is offered much more often and then skilfully staged. Men may not need it in the form, but know exactly what they want to buy. Yellow t-shirt? It fits. Size? It fits. I take it. Whether it depends on a doll or not.

My experience is different for women. There is a comparison, the cut is checked, and we see how a dress, shirt, top, the sweater fits – on the arms, on the neck, on the stomach.

 Are men more decisive?

The question arises whether men are generally more willing to make decisions. Or do women simply have more choice in the end and therefore cannot make a decision? Is it only for this reason that mannequins are needed so that women can find their way around the large selection?

And: does that really have to be? Sure, fashion rules the world in many cases, but in theory, you could decide without a plastic figure with a sweater, right?

I myself often don’t even notice male mannequins in shops. Or I am not interested in how a garment is shown on a doll. Maybe I’m the big exception and the other men think it’s very important. In the end, I can’t really imagine it.

How are you doing there? Do mannequins – regardless of gender – play a major role for you or could you do without them? And: do these dolls actually help you decide for or against an outfit?

Frank Snapp

I am a writer and developer with Appstory.org. We’re specialized in App Development Stories, Details Application Review, CEO Interview and technologies Blog content sharing, and Writing.


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